my daughter is trying to arrange a ceremony later in the year and has a quote from a firm (they trade under different names). Their testimonials are only as recent as 2007. Does anyone have any more recent feedback, please? Also, is it normal to pay 40/50% deposit up front? Thanks
renewal vow ceremony in khao lakWhere is this ceremony to take place?
40/50% upfront does seem on the high side.
renewal vow ceremony in khao lakceremony would be on the beach. Have you heard of this company? Their prices are similar to hotels. Alternatively do you know of any organisation in Khao lak that can set up a simple ceremony including flowers and a photographer/ Thanks
Only my own %26#39;personal opinion%26#39; but for a renewing of vows I honestly think you can do these things yourselves perhaps with help from the Food and beverafge Departments at where you stay.
Alan and others can tell you where to get flowers from in Khao Lak. The F%26amp;B manager can arrange a special location perhaps for a private dinner at the beach etc. Again, only my humble personal view but if you are on your own as a couple you can do this together to make it special for just the 2 of you.
If by chance you have family with you then do it together.
You can also receive a blessing at the local temple, take donation gifs, these can range from practical supplies that are either used by the monks or they pass them on to the needy.
Hotel reception Manager will write in Thai that it is the renewal of your vows of marriage and request a blessing - if you need to know how to do this ask.
You can also get tips on some worthwhile charity, orpahnage or whatever and on the day make a visit.
Again, only my own view, but going for a temple blessing in the morning, then taking some gifts to a worthwhile charity and a special dinner where you can read out your thoughts to your loved one over canlilit dinner and champagne ( buy duty free ) at the beach makes an amazing memory - and save a small fortune.
It will make the day something special and sharing with others on such a special brings that extra special something.
The only thing missing is photographer.
You can take your own photos during the day and with a digital it is easy to ask other to take a photo, at your resort the H/Waiter or whatever can handle for you.
Those are excellent suggestions which we may in fact pinch for our Ruby Wedding Anniversary. The Special Dinner is arranged but your sufggestions for the rest of the day would indeed make it very special.
The Le Meridien arranges events such as these and has a special function building on the beach for this and other purposes but it is usually for a group party.
many thanks for these ideas. They would indeed make the day very special and memorable, especially as my daughter wanted no fuss and likes to %26#39;interface%26#39; with the local community and culture.
The hotels and agents say they are willing to tailor their packages to suit tthe individual but, interestingly, the price never seems to go below a core minimum price of between £1000 and £1200 where the ceremony part lasts approximately half an hour!!
Thanks again
Honestly what a price to charge !
As your daughter is there then let her %26#39;witness%26#39; you both renewing your vows.
Buy your champage duty free, get the Food and beverage Manager at the hotel to arrange a special table for dinner that evening with candles etc.
Alan and other Khao lak experts can tell you the best temple.
Get the reception staff to write everything in Thai for you. Ask them to arrange a driver ( or local Khao lak experts maybe can suggest one ) who can take you both and your daughter to the temple. Having ad river no doubt will just %26#39;guide you along%26#39;.
You must do before 11 am so aim for say 9.30.
Place a B 500 ( 10 UKP ) note in an envelope and place what the Thai hotel staff have written for you. My guess is any Thais there will beam a smile at you and if you gesture the note towards them you will find things %26#39;happen%26#39;. A good driver from local suggestions will not doubt follow you.
You will receive a prayer blessing etc.
Your own religion is not relevant, temples are open and welcoming to %26#39;all%26#39; regardless. ';It%26#39;s the way of things';
Temples also care for dogs and some cats, if you are animal lovers they welcome greatly bags of dried food.
Day before buy some practical items. many shops sell an orange pale/bucket that contains items but you can add practical things such as soap, toothpaste and things. These are used at the temple or passed to those that need.
Alan or someone can recommend a charity ( you no doubt are aware the Tsunami was terrible in Khao Lak ) and you can go to some place and provide items that are practical. There will be several charitable projects in the area.
You can have a memorable day, provide a lot of good deeds, and save a small furtune !
That B 500 should %26#39;of course%26#39; be a THB 500 note !
( some put in less, perhaps B 100 ), but it goes to good use and compared with other costs....
Hi Mikey,
I got married on Jan 8th 2009 %26amp; arranged it all with phuket-discovery.
We had the best day ever!
It cost approx £1700, %26amp; we paid 50% deposit by visa.
Click here for my wedding report on TA which i posted on the Phi Phi forum.…
And here for photos of our wedding:
Thank you so much for all your feedback - this has been really useful.We can move forward now with some great ideas.
Adrian, your wedding report was exactly what we needed and the photos were just great - thanks for sharing them. All the best for the future.
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