Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Elephant Nature Park, a wonderful day

Just got back from my Thailand holiday and too tired to do my reviews yet but felt I had to post a note about the elephant nature park. We had an amazing day there, it was so fantastic being able to see the ellies close up having a wonderful time without having to give tourists rides, play foorball and painting etc.

These rescued elephants have a wonderful life and are obviously very well look after and not stressed or upset (unlike he poor elles we saw begging in Bangkok).

Yes you do watch a DVD in the afternoon, which can be very emotional, I didn%26#39;t know how the elephants are trained into submission before this.

I would highly recommend a day trip at least to this park, its fantastic, If I am fortunate to come back to Chiang Mai I will try and do the overnight trip there which comes very highly recommended.

It was the highlight of my trip.

Elephant Nature Park, a wonderful day

Glad you loved it as much as I did! I am about to head there for my 3rd visit in as many years... still only a daytrip due to time contraints, but maybe one day I will get to do longer!!

For anyone that is interested my first two trips are covered here:



Reet xx

Elephant Nature Park, a wonderful day

It was great. Someone I know is going over next month and has just booked an overnight one after watching a video on yootube, quite horrible but makes you realise the reality.

I won%26#39;t post the link but just type in elephant training Chiang Mai or Elephant training (torture) in to the search engine on yootube.

It was fab watching the ellies play, one of the babies ran up some builders sand while we were up on the balconys watching him and his family group bathing (you cannot go in river with babies and family, too dangerous) The sand moved and spooked him, he sent out a distress call and next thing the 5 family members come charging out of river to protect him, circled him and comforted him until they all calmed down and moved on!

Hi Neisar

Sounds like you had a fantastic time. We are hoping to do a day trip to ENP in May when we visit Chiang Mai. I was wondering about your comment that you couldn%26#39;t get in the river with the elephants? I have to admit that was something I was looking forward to doing, can you not do that anymore?

Sorry if I mislead you, you can go in the river with them and give them a good scrub, its just the ones with the babies you cannot go in with as the older ones protect the babies.

You will have a wonderful day!

I am glad you had such a great day at the nature park. We went for a day in early February and it was easily the best day in two weeks in Thailand.

I was in chang mai 3 weeks ago and did one of these , but not the ENP one. It was a place where you talk to the ele in thai and give it directions to lift you up on top, then ride bare back over jungle and give them a wash in the river.

They were well cared for and was great fun, i have the broucher at home but cant remember the company. It is a full day and you can stay there over night as well.

I think its the same same as what you did reet but only that you get to ride as well.

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